6. Baud-rates.

This is another 8250-centric section. If your port isn't a regular PC port but something else, feel free to skip to the next section.

On PCs, the baud rate, B, is set as a divisor, actually 1843200/(16*B); or equivalently, 115200/B. The divisor is an integer, so not all baud-rates are available, only the 115200/N. The following table shows baud-rates for some interesting divisors N:

NBaud-rateN Baud-rateN Baud-rate
1 115200 1110472 192600
2 57600 12 9600 384300
3 38400 16 7200 768150
4 28800 18 6400 1047110
5 23040 23 5008 1152100
6 19200 24 4800 1920 60
7 16457 32 3600 2304 50
8 14400 48 240011520 10
9 12800 64 180023040 5
10 11520 96 1200115200 1

These divisors are set on ports 0 (LSB) and 1 (MSB) when port 3 bit 7 is 1. The following C (DOS, Turbo C) function shows how these can be set:

void setbaudrate(int portbase,  /* This should be 0x378, 0x278 or 
                                whatever as appropriate. */
            long baudrate)

    int divnumber, dh, dl;

    /* If we want to limit or quantize the baudrate here we could. */
    if(baudrate == 0) return; /* Avoid this stupid mistake at least.... */

    divnumber = 115200L / baudrate;
    dl = divnumber & 0x0FF;
    dh = (divnumber >> 8) & 0xFF
    outportb(portbase+3, inportb(portbase+3) | 0x80);
    outportb(portbase+0, dl);
    outportb(portbase+1, dh);
    outportb(portbase+3, inportb(portbase+3) & 0x7F);

I have noticed that under the unix systems, only certain baud rates may be set. Usually this is done via ioctl(TCSETA) or similar, with settings for Baud Rate, data bits, stop bits, parity, "raw"/"cooked" modes and so on. The actual possibilities beyond standard rates are very dependent on the actual hardware.

To 0. Introduction

To 5. Where do you find the ports?

To 7. Programming on DOS, including DOS boxes under Windows.

Table of ASCII codes

To index page